British Embassy Hanoi Đại sứ quán Anh i Hà Nội

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamBritish Embassy Hanoi Đại sứ quán Anh



🕗 åbningstider

31, Hai Bà Trưng, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 24 3936 0500
internet side:
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Latitude: 21.0245767, Longitude: 105.8513229

kommentar 5

  • Steve Jackson

    Steve Jackson


    Absolutely hopeless. Used to be the heart of expat community. That then went to "we're not here for you". Prices were pushed up for every service as actual assistance was cut. We were told "if you want it then you have to pay for it" as if we got stuff notarised for fun or it we got visas for loved ones for a laugh. Either way they those services they said we had to pay for - they cut them anyway. They talk about channelling funds to consular assistance to help where it's needed most (blah blah blah) but when my family needed them they refused to help. It's a familiar story. Ambassadors are one Oxbridge male after the other. Seriously if you need anything try to find another way than going to the British Embassy. That's after all what they want you to do. A sad reflection of a diminishing world power.

  • en

    Gaz Logtens



  • en

    Thuan Vungoc


    Visa to uk

  • John Tacon

    John Tacon


    In 2015, David Cameron became the first serving British Prime Minister to visit Vietnam. Embassy team works to ever improve UK-Vietnam relations and trade.

  • Lena Nayashkova

    Lena Nayashkova


    This Embassy is quite frankly the most outrageous operation I've ever come across! They provide absolutely zero service to British citizens - whichever service you may require the answer is "eeeh, we actually don't do this here, I can give you a phone number in the UK". They are also instructed to not give out any helpful information, so they will not answer a single question. For example, they cannot tell whether you have to send away your current passport to get a new one or for that matter whether it is even legal to remain abroad for "at least 60 days" without a travel document... Why such useless place it still getting funding is absolutely beyond understanding!

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