Chau Long Sapa Hotel i Hà Nội

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VietnamChau Long Sapa Hotel



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Room 420 - 142 Le Duan - Dong Da, Khâm Thiên, Ha Noi, Hà Nội, Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 24 3734 5731
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Latitude: 21.018754, Longitude: 105.8413655

kommentar 5

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  • en

    Abc Def


  • Minh Hiếu Dương

    Minh Hiếu Dương



  • Pham Nguyen Huyen My

    Pham Nguyen Huyen My



  • bao nhandan

    bao nhandan


    Thinking of travelling Sapa then I would recommend the Chau Long Sapa Hotel II. There are only two 4 Star hotels in Sapa and this is one of them. If you review the price of the two then this one will win hands down. It may be 4 star but your not paying through the nose for it. We booked a our train trip up to Sapa on the Sapaley Train which was also wonderful. It is a 5 star train with fluffy white linen, slippers, TV and toiletries supplied. I strongly recommend you email the hotel prior to your stay and organise transfer with them to have a car waiting for you on arrival at the station. The ease and not having to worry at 6am in the morning is nice. The hotel is magnificent and overlooks the mountains. The rooms are big, clean and ours had a lovely balcony overlooking the hills. Breakfast didn't let us down. With a large dinning area, a wall fall of glass window overlooking the hills and to watch the fog clear the hill tops each morning. Food was bountiful and great. Flavors were wonderful with a great selection of everything. Staff would wait on you with a smile. Nothing bad could be said. Fill up and fuel yourself for a great day of exploring. We booked a treatment for the family in the spa to relax. A nice massage each and the girl also topped it off with a pedicure. Can't exactly remember the price but it was around $10 - $15 each. Which was nothing really. We booked some scooters / motor bikes at a little place up the road. $4 for the day and took off to explore for ourselves. Sapa is so quiet and nothing like the big cities, so you can definitely do this. I doubled my daughter on the back and really you can't go very fast anyway. Recommend organising a guided tour with the hotel. We booked a 1/2 day walking tour into the local villages and our guide was beautiful. She took us into her local village and we met her mother. Be prepared that you will be followed by locals, wearing traditional costumes wanting you to purchase their goods. Hold off until the last minute as the prices do come down. Just be friendly with them and talk. They are lovely and just trying to get money to feed their families. The hotel does prepare a lunch pack for you included in the price. A sandwich or breadroll filled, fruit, yoghurt, juice, water. We all kept our water but as we sat down to eat our lunch the local kids were around. We ended up sharing our lunch with them. They loved it and I believe I go more out of that experience then I would of the food. Be prepared there are some stairs but its a relatively easy walk. My friend has problems with his knees and he did have some trouble going down, but going up was easy. They are big long wide and long stairs and not steep. Our trek ended up at a school where we went in and talked with the kids They were on their lunch break and so happy and curious. A small van cane and picked us up to take as back to the hotel, which was nice after a long day. I recommend you make the trek to Sapa and would strongly recommend the Cha Long Sapa Hotel II

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