Domaine de Marie i Thành phố Đà Lạt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamDomaine de Marie


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1, Ngô Quyền, Thành phố Đà Lạt, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84
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Latitude: 11.949577, Longitude: 108.4302474

kommentar 5

  • Nguyễn Tiến

    Nguyễn Tiến


    A beautiful place to take picture, many couple come here to take wedding photo, no motorcycle parking fee but you have to watch out yourself.

  • Nathalie Pedro

    Nathalie Pedro


    Beautiful all pink church dedicated to Mary. There's a cloister in the back, quiet and lovely. The church is sober and the bright pink all over outside! Worth the visit!

  • Hong An Pham

    Hong An Pham


    Of course I always trust the quality of the products of the church. The prices might be a bit higher than other shops, but buying there can help support the sisters and the church’s activities.

  • Huy Nguyen

    Huy Nguyen


    Nice and quiet place to visit. Has a view downtown at the left side of the Church

  • chia ying

    chia ying


    Nice view and you can visit inside small garden for a nice view also, but need to aware they will have small rest during noon time

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