Embassy of Spain i Hà Nội

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamEmbassy of Spain



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Lê Hồng Phong, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 24 3771 5207
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Latitude: 21.0337417, Longitude: 105.836906

kommentar 5

  • en

    JimmY Aldrich


    Terrible service, they are very rude and unhelpful. Hopefully I won't need to go to Spain again with my family as they made us feel unwelcome before we even arrived in the country

  • en

    Ms Huyen


    Extremely horrible and shitty service. Both the embassy and its authorized visa agency - BLS. If your 1st point of entry to Schengen area must be Spain, make sure you submit your application 4 weeks in advance. Otherwise just go to any other European Embassy and apply there.

  • Shiloh Nelson

    Shiloh Nelson


    If I could give them "0" stars, it would still be too good for them. Not only are the employees here extremely unhelpful, and get angry and yell at you for asking simple questions about procedures (isn't it their job to assist the public?), but they are exceptionally lazy. There is only 2 hours a day when you can reach them, between 2-4, but that doesn't include the 30-40 minutes that they are running late to get back from lunch and the 30 minutes or so that they stop answering the phone before 4pm because they are too exhausted from that 60 minutes of work they did that day telling the people they are supposed to be "helping" how stupid they are and wasting their time...

  • thao nguyen

    thao nguyen


    If there is a zero star, I would like to rate it with that. I don't understand why the ambassador of Spain still keeps Ms Chi as his staff. She acts like a boss there and treats us so bad both in person or by call. The most reason situation happened to me was when I called to ask for passport documents for my baby. She said "I'm so busy that I cannot answer you. Tell your husband to check the website". She is working in embassy of Spain, she should have somehow the manner from Spanish but unfortunately, she is making the image of representative of Spain in Vietnam the worst. The other time, I called to ask her if my marriage document is approved or not yet and I called more than 2 weeks after the submission. She answered the same "I am so busy that I haven't touched the document you submit". Such person who is still working in Spanish embassy in Hanoi makes me so hesitate to call or to go there for asking any questions.

  • en

    Hung Nguyen


    To dep

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