First Hotel - Khách sạn Đệ Nhất i Hồ Chí Minh

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VietnamFirst Hotel - Khách sạn Đệ Nhất



🕗 åbningstider

18 Hoang Viet Street, Tan Binh District, Phường 4, Tân Bình, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 28 3844 1199
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.7959652, Longitude: 106.6593363

kommentar 5

  • vi

    anh hoang


    Chưa đi bao giờ

  • Huyen Phan

    Huyen Phan


    Khu khách sạn riêng biệt, khách sạn 4* ở quận Tân Bình. Có nhiều nhà hàng xung quanh.

  • Charlotte Demers Landry

    Charlotte Demers Landry


    Practically near the airport. They paid for the car pick ups, appreciated! However our room on the third floor smelled, heavily like mold. It was so strong we asked to change rooms. They moved us to a better no-smell room. However, the sink wasn't really clean in the bathroom, with mold around the edges.

  • kian wee chau

    kian wee chau


    The hotel was well maintained. The room was comfortable. A electric panel was installed next to the bed for controlling all lighting and tv (on /off) in the room. It provided free shuttle to the airport. The buffet breakfast was delicious and had many varieties of food. I didn't have chance to use the swimming pool as it was raining heavily.

  • Mike Phang

    Mike Phang


    NOT 4 STARS First room strong smell of mold. They sent house keeping with a can of air freshener... Second room see photo. Mold in bathroom. When i told the manager he wasn't surprised. Smoking... see photo. No smoking but there are ashtrays in the hallway. Like so much of Vietnam's cities this hotel is dirty and not well maintained.

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