Hanoi Charming 2 Hotel i Hà Nội

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamHanoi Charming 2 Hotel


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31, Hàng Gà, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 24 3923 4031
internet side: www.hanoicharminghotel.com
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Latitude: 21.0355945, Longitude: 105.8470474

kommentar 5

  • vi

    Liên Ngô


    Vua re vua nhanh.Rat huu ích va tiên dung

  • Taihei Ok

    Taihei Ok



  • Aline Panhan

    Aline Panhan


    Very friendly staff. I stayed one night with my husband and they upgraded our room which was big and clean. After 4 nights traveling we got back to Hanoi and they storage our backpacks and we took free shower before we head to the airport. Great location in town as well. I highly recommend this hotel

  • Pascal Schaedeli

    Pascal Schaedeli


    Wonderfully managed hotel in a good location. The staff will know you by name and remember your program for the duration of your stay as soon as you check in. The rooms are simple, but perfectly clean and functional. We first had 601, which despite being on the front was quiet; everything was a little humid though, and even the sheets felt damp (a few traces of black mold between tiles in the bathroom). We then had 803 in the back when we returned for the longer part of our stay, and everything was perfect (no excessive humidity). The breakfast menu includes eggs, sausage/bacon/ham, toasts, pancakes, fruits, juices, tea/coffee, and some other pastries (6-10am). The front desk arranged our transfer to/from the airport, and, as every other aspect of our stay, worked out perfectly (you could arrange your own for a good discount in percent, but the number of dollars won’t justify it). They even toasted bread, croissants and cut fruit at 5am to take with us when we had to leave early. There are fancier hotels, but with such a friendly and effective staff and good price, I would return here. The rooms themselves would earn 4 stars, but the service is just perfect!

  • Ana Belén Ngu Phan

    Ana Belén Ngu Phan


    Personal muy amable y profesional. Llegamos directamente del aeropuerto a las 7:30 am y después de decirle que era nuestra luna de miel nos dejaron subir a la habitación a los 10'. Perfecto porque necesitabamos recuperar horas de sueño y una buena ducha. A 15' andando del lago Hoan Kiem, por supuesto, lo que implica estar en zona de mucho tráfico que es mortal. Literalmente. Nadie sigue las normas de circulación y tienen una mano en la bocina constantemente. Hay que andar con mil ojos a paso normal y con decisión.

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