Hong Thien Hotel Backpackers i Thừa Thiên Huế

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VietnamHong Thien Hotel Backpackers


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46, Chu Văn An, Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên Huế, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 234 3837 272
internet side: hongthienhotel.com.vn
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Latitude: 16.469025, Longitude: 107.59598

kommentar 5

  • Britta Mailach

    Britta Mailach


    Friendliest and most helpfull people working here. Room is quiet good to others i know. Best breakfast i have got here! Good price for clean and big room.

  • Riccardo Calli

    Riccardo Calli


    Super good location, cheap and super super helpful staff

  • Alexandra Hammacher

    Alexandra Hammacher


    Positives: excellent breakfast Negatives: hard uncomfortable bed, noisy, smell like damp, staff not always friendly. We end up changing hotel.

  • Aloha Abroad

    Aloha Abroad


    Great place to stay. Relaxing and clean. Laundry service was phenomenal. The breakfast omelette was also great. I would stay here again.

  • kris m

    kris m


    We really enjoyed our stay here. We arrived off a night train early in the morning and were greeted with cold drinks and allowed in our room right away. We got an upgraded room and it was comfortable. It had a balcony which was nice. The staff were super friendly, the breakfast was good and the pool was amazing. The only thing was the shower was super low, you had to hold the shower head yourself

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