Khách sạn GoldVinh - GoldVinh Hotel i Nghệ An

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VietnamKhách sạn GoldVinh - GoldVinh Hotel


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Số 1A - đg. Lê Huân - P. Vinh Tân, Hồng Sơn, Thành phố Vinh, Nghệ An, Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 238 8696 696
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Latitude: 18.6619199, Longitude: 105.6745847

kommentar 5

  • Tai Nguyen

    Tai Nguyen


    Khách sạn giá bình dân nội thất bình dân, sạch sẽ, có thang máy. Ấn tượng với khoảng san rộng rãi, deco nhìn rất sang trọng. Gần ngay sau lưng chợ Vinh, thích hợp cho khách thích tìm hiểu văn hóa buôn bán. Gần khu trung tâm, nhà thờ, bigC.

  • Thông Mai

    Thông Mai


    Phục vụ tốt

  • Maco MakotoIwasaki-com

    Maco MakotoIwasaki-com


    Stay here and go to market next morning. Good cheap restaurant in front. Local bus station to Laos border is just 5 minutes. 22000 VND room is much better than 20000 room. Ask hot water to bring if you want.

  • Jessy James

    Jessy James


    Clean smell, clean bathroom, mini frig, competitive price.

  • Tapan Bhargava

    Tapan Bhargava


    Stayed here for one night (April 5-6, 2017). Had a room on the fourth floor. If you're in the unfortunate situation that you have to spend time in Vinh, this is actually a decent hotel. I read some unhappy reviews about it online, but Agoda gave me a great deal for a room. The room was big, the two beds were big, sheets were clean, pillows and blankets were nice. There were extra pillows and blankets in the closet/cupboard. Air conditioning and wifi both worked very well. I never turned on the television. Bathroom was decent. Hot water was awesome. It was quiet at night as well as early in the morning when I left the hotel for my next destination.

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