Muong Thanh Holiday Dalat Hotel i Lâm Đồng

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamMuong Thanh Holiday Dalat Hotel


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42, Phan Bội Châu, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, VN Wietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 263 3578 888
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Latitude: 11.9435858, Longitude: 108.439838

kommentar 5

  • vi

    Nguyễn Hữu Long


    Khach san yeu cau tra truoc tien phong du da co CMND, xe gui qua dem phai de ngoai troi, gia ca khong tuong xung voi trang bi va dich vu.

  • Thuy Pham

    Thuy Pham


    Hồ Xuân Hương

  • Mary Lee Scully

    Mary Lee Scully


    The female staff at the Reception was rude and unfriendly. The hotel is not a 4 Star hotel as expected. It is quite small and the staff are least helpful. Don't ever book and pay in advance for a few days stay, cause the will not refund you your money, should you be dissatisfied with the hotel and it's staff

  • Văn Hải Lê

    Văn Hải Lê


    View nhin rat dep lang man nua

  • vi

    Thuy Duong


    Khách sạn ở trung tâm Đà Lạt, giá cả hợp lí, phòng thoải mái, nv thân thiện. Đồ ăn sáng không hợp khẩu vị gđ mình, bể bơi nước nóng hơi bí. Nhưng sẽ quay lại!

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