National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam i Thành phố Nha Trang

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VietnamNational Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam



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14, Trần Phú, Thành phố Nha Trang, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84
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Latitude: 12.2076416, Longitude: 109.2146157

kommentar 5

  • Sabine Bunzel

    Sabine Bunzel


    Entry fee 40.000 VND - I like the museum Much to see - different types fish, turtle ... If you are interested in nature join

  • Howard Glendinning

    Howard Glendinning


    It is what passes for a museum/aquarium in Vietnam. Don't expect too much and you wont be disappointed. A good try!

  • Pacific Monkey

    Pacific Monkey


    Мало чего интересного, все можно спокойно обойти минут за 20. Уж лучше на винперл, там океанариум по интереснее. Цена 40к с взрослого.

  • Sarah Read

    Sarah Read


    Not really worth the time or money. I’m not a marine biologist but I think I can tell when animals aren’t happy. Tanks are a little sad.

  • MultiVerse Pull

    MultiVerse Pull


    Very good job considering it is government funded with a focus on local education. Entry is less than $2usd and reachable on the No. 4 bus heading south. I liked the high diversity of displays. Many displays wouldn't come with a commercial operation like local fishing techniques and pollution education. Maybe the larger specimens were a little cramped seemed happy enough. I think things slowly change for the better given the improvement of reviews. 1st-worlders have their standards but remember, Vietnam is still developing, as this place will over time. This type of facility is definitely a step in the right direction as it educates locals to appreciate their own environment.

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