Saigon Railway Station i Hồ Chí Minh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamSaigon Railway Station


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1, Nguyễn Thông, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.7823765, Longitude: 106.6771691

kommentar 5

  • Le Son Quan

    Le Son Quan


    It's easy to buy and change the ticket with small extra fee. Staff in ticket room are nice. If have a chance, i recommend you try the train in stead of air plane.

  • en

    Ken Ken


    it is good. when i arrived there in the morning, i do nothing to do near the station

  • Alberto Ng

    Alberto Ng


    Language barrier is always the big problem, almost all can't speak English and they only can use the body language. Besides, have the local sellers on-board before the departure time and it's quite annoy me. One more point I don't like is road always stuck outside this station, it's influenced me too much and make me unhappy.

  • Pat Beck

    Pat Beck


    Like most stations, the surrounding food stalls and mini mart style vendors are a bit over priced. It is easy to get to and the moto drivers will get you anywhere once you.arrive.

  • en

    Gábor Tóta


    Good railway station. Easy to get around. There are plenty of foodstalls and shops. At the counter the employees speak english well. Outside the building at the scooter parking area you can find very tasty pork rice and soup. Don't have to buy coffee or food in advance, you will find them at the train during your travel. Timetables and Blueprint attached below... ;)

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