Vườn hoa Con Cóc i Hà Nội

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamVườn hoa Con Cóc



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Vườn hoa Con Cóc, Tràng Tiền, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84
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Latitude: 21.0264925, Longitude: 105.8559776

kommentar 5

  • Son Do

    Son Do


    Small nice garden and this is a place must visit if you come to Hanoi

  • en

    Arul Selven


    Not on the list of sightseeing’s place. Not worth to siting there as the pond is full of rubbish

  • Andy Martin

    Andy Martin


    Nice statue, wouodnbe better at night probably!

  • Tuan Viet Tran

    Tuan Viet Tran


    Nice public garden in the very center of the town, right next to the Sofitel Metropole.

  • David nguyen cohen

    David nguyen cohen


    The place is amazing smal schop food and only discaount price the best schoping of the worl many privat police very good security and peopel many smal 54 haong dhao only dangerous peopel no good schop

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