AEON Citimart Nha Trang de Khánh Hòa

Viêt NamAEON Citimart Nha Trang



🕗 horaire

20, Trần Phú, 650000, Thành phố Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 258 6250 286
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 12.2479229, Longitude: 109.1956043

commentaires 5

  • en

    chanel woo


    Bad service.. How dare the locker service can't use to place the handbag. I told the worker to place handbag he can said can't fit. But the place is big. N what is the rasional that the customer can't bring handbag into the supermarket? I never go any country hv this kind of policy.

  • Dylan Upham

    Dylan Upham


    Good mall, supermarket on 2nd floor has everything you need. Convenient location.

  • ko

    rora park


    편하게 장보기 좋아요. 딱 있을것만 있긴한데 유명한 말린 망고만 품절이에요 항상.

  • Alex Ivanov

    Alex Ivanov


    Много сувениров. Хороший выбор и цена на кофе марки Me Trang. Большой отдел посуды и хозтоваров. Китайцы тележками выгребают кофе. Китайцев ни кто не любит. Поэтому примерно в 20.00 воздержитесь от посещения магазина. Толпа китайцев орет и толкается в это время. Есть готовая еда по 14.000 донгов. Есть микроволновка.

  • en

    Ron U


    Okay, if you're craving for an American candy bar, this is the place. It will probably be melted by the time you get back to your hotel. But at least you can try. Most of the markets on the street are pretty small and don't seem to have a lot. This place is pretty large, it's on the third floor of the shopping center, which is pretty nice with a food court, a number of cute souvenir places, a theater, a video arcade and a department store.

Supermarché la plus proche

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