Al Noor Mosque de Hà Nội

Viêt NamAl Noor Mosque


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12, Hàng Lược, Hà Nội, Hà Nội, VN Wietnam
contact téléphone: +84 93 622 07 68
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0379228, Longitude: 105.8476027

commentaires 5

  • Farid Nugraha

    Farid Nugraha


    Ramadhan kareem in Al noor mosque so much muslim from any country

  • Ahmed Eid

    Ahmed Eid


    Alhamd LelAh I had there for pray many times very nice masjed

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    afandi zainudin


    The only mosque in Hanoi. There are small halal food next door. So small that it has only 4 tables. Food for dinner always finish early as more and more people come there for its cheapest yet so good halal food in Hanoi. Restaurant opens at 11am until food finish. The mosque is a meeting point for small muslim community in Hanoi.

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    Mokhtar Amin


    The only mosque in Hanoi. Despite its weathered look the mosque is spacious and neat inside Only opened during prayer time but can be accessed via a side door during the closed hours. Located at at Hang Luoc Street.

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    Azwan Ashari


    We went twice during our 6 day visit. Comfortable. Conveniently located in Old Quarter area. Halal restaurant (Zainab) just next door

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