An An Hotel de tỉnh Kiên Giang

Viêt NamAn An Hotel


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13-14, lot G, Huynh Thuc Khang, Vĩnh Thanh, Rạch Giá, tỉnh Kiên Giang, Wietnam
contact téléphone: +84 91 788 89 57
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.0193113, Longitude: 105.082005

commentaires 5

  • Ken Ip

    Ken Ip


    A budget hotel. You could have standard room for under US10 and it is just 1 min walk to Futa bus station (just across the street). Cleaness of room interior 9/10, however the room with 2 beds on 3rd floor- ac not working well and light smell of cigarette (i see ash trays being placed in the room as they allow guests to smoke). Its not a major town for tourists so people here they can only understand just enough English by using Google Translate! There is no elevator.. highest floor is 4th. This is a perfect one if you just stay in Rach Gia for connections. From thr hotel heading to the seafront where Vinmart Department Store is just 1km away. However, I do not see too many taxis here. Good luck.

  • Flo



    Bathroom is moldy. The rooms are good. Staff is nice and complimentary water is given.




    Our room 101 was a bit dark, window but a house very close. Bed was comfortable, very solid furniture, good chairs, bathroom no window, but fan. Fridge, aircon, fan. Good value, very friendly, helpful lady also the male receptionist.

  • marie fletcher-bluett

    marie fletcher-bluett


    Great location so close to the bus station, dark room and the recording of distressed birds outside all day (from 7am) annoying

  • en

    Gabor de Werk


    Stains on the walls, fongus on the ceiling, the view is blocked by a building not even half a meter away, hardest bed of asia (after being in asia for half a year in total). This hotel is only for the most adventures people among us....!

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