Ariva Eden Hanoi de Hà Nội

Viêt NamAriva Eden Hanoi


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22, Đoàn Trần Nghiệp, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3974 8622
site web:
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Latitude: 21.0118627, Longitude: 105.8499103

commentaires 5

  • en



    Eden is easily accessible and is in close proximity to eateries, malls and the lake

  • Ahsan Younas

    Ahsan Younas


    Excellent place services and location.

  • Tejas Doshi

    Tejas Doshi


    Very nice location, service is good, next to a super mkt!

  • Rupesh Ravi

    Rupesh Ravi


    Cheap but nice. Should try pho here

  • Daniel Lee

    Daniel Lee


    It's the best hotel I've ever stayed in, and I've traveled all over the world, have stayed in crummy hotels to the very best hotels. I say it is the best because of the management and its staff members, They are extremely accommodating even under wrongful accusations which I'd rather not delve into, but I will because it truly is a testament to the superior character of the management team. To make it short, I accused them of something they did not do(of course I was sure that they were at fault at the time), however there wasn't even a moment of defiance from the management or the staffs, without reservation investigated the matter and at the end reimbursed me for the lost item. A day later once I returned home it was discovered that I was the jackass for accusing them of something they had no part of, thus I returned the money plus extra. A part from the incident in my two visits to Hanoi which equates to about 30 days I have stayed there, and the service from the smiles to the amenities are second to none. The building could use a little renovation, but really it is nothing when you think of the quality of the people who works there.

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