Asta The Club de Thừa Thiên Huế

Viêt NamAsta The Club



🕗 horaire

9, Hùng Vương, Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên Huế, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 234 3933 640
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 16.4657268, Longitude: 107.5924221

commentaires 5

  • Hoang Son

    Hoang Son


    Âm thanh ổn!

  • Than Nguyen

    Than Nguyen


    Muốn ghét thăm lần nữa

  • en

    Kermit Thefrog


    Me and my friend thought we'd try the Asta club, which was just a couple of meters away from our hotel. Spent a grand total of about 10 minutes there, the music was way too loud and hardly any people there. We ordered a beer for 75,000 vnd, which is way too overpriced. On top of that the beer was warm!! Never going back there even if it was the last club on earth.

  • vi

    Phúc Nguyễn Văn


    Asta - 09 hùng vương - TP.Huế nơi cảm giác thăng hoa.

  • vi

    xuanphuc trinh


    K cần nói gì

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