Bến xe phía Bắc de Thành phố Nha Trang

Viêt NamBến xe phía Bắc


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🕗 horaire

1, Hai Tháng Tư, 650000, Thành phố Nha Trang, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 583838788
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 12.2884715, Longitude: 109.1904204

commentaires 5

  • vi

    Que Huong


    Bến xe khu vực bắc Nha Trang. Nhỏ hơn bến xe phía Nam nhiều. Cũng ít chuyến xe đi các tỉnh hơn.

  • roc piin

    roc piin


    Dt ko bao giờ liên lạc đường.. Vn chất lượng quá kém

  • Aleksandr T

    Aleksandr T


    Bus station in North Nha Trang. Our futa bus dropped us of here. It's quite basic and small. Couldn't find restrooms when got off the bus but it was dark and a lot of it seemed closed. He bus stop is on a corner so just walk out to the street and grab a taxi. Most will pull in into the gas station area at the corner tip. Note we had trouble using Uber and Grab to get a taxi as most were in the city and wouldn't come out. So just grab a street taxi. Paid 130k into city on a 6 seater taxi van, imagine smaller car will be cheaper.

  • Honggiang Dinh

    Honggiang Dinh


    Bến xe sạch sẽ, nhưng hơi nhỏ

  • trọng cảnh nguyễn

    trọng cảnh nguyễn


    Bxe sạch sẽ

Station de bus la plus proche

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