Best Western Dalat Plaza Hotel de Thành phố Đà Lạt

Viêt NamBest Western Dalat Plaza Hotel


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Lê Đại Hành, Thành phố Đà Lạt, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 263 6252 999
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Latitude: 11.9385168, Longitude: 108.4379635

commentaires 5




    Nice room here. It is cold without air-conditioning.

  • Brad McArthur

    Brad McArthur


    Comfortable hotel with clean room. A bit noisy with a function in the dining room last night. Staff are excellent.

  • Minh Hai

    Minh Hai


    Good service

  • Reid Storm

    Reid Storm


    Hated it. We may have had a worse experience because we were there for 5 days at the end of the Tet holiday, but guests, mostly Chinese were so loud we had trouble sleeping with earplugs. Breakfast was the worst I have ever seen. One morning experance 8:45 3/4 hour before end of breakfast: no coffee, no milk, no juice, askedand they added, then found no juice glasses. Bagette rock solid right through, went to egg station wife ordered omlet, they never heard of cheeze on an omlet. She took omlet and had to ask for a fork as basket empty. I ordered sunny side up, they broke both yolks cracking into pan. I went for cutlery and guess what. 5 minuits after my wife let them know they were out of forks again. I would have enjoyed my breakfast more if I had a box of soda crackers in my luggage. I didn't try the mystery meat, but they have some wierd stuff on menue. Horse cartilidge??? Only cereal they had was corn flakes🤔😣

  • Dave London Lad

    Dave London Lad


    Great rooms, great location, friendly and helpful staff. Breakfast could be improved somewhat but apart from that highly recommended...

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