BloomCakes de Thừa Thiên–Huế

Viêt NamBloomCakes



🕗 horaire

Hai Bà Trưng, 531105, tp. Huế, Thừa Thiên–Huế, VN Wietnam
contact téléphone: +84 234 6298 088
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 16.4606722, Longitude: 107.5899566

commentaires 5




    Best Cakes I've ever had in Vietnam. Prices are very reasonable(25k~35k), though it tastes better than other famous shop's cakes. Anyway, you should be careful for their decorated cherry, there's very hard seed in it. I was almost got hurt my teeth haha.

  • en

    Thomas Brandt


    Only had a smoothie, but it was very good. Nice little place to relax. Doesn't seem to be very busy as it is off the main road. Smell of the pizza was tempting...

  • Lê Ngọc Sơn

    Lê Ngọc Sơn


    Không gian ấm áp, trang trí dễ thương...Bánh rất ngon, giá cả hợp lí...tuyệt vời

  • it

    Jacopo Giarrizzo


    Ottima pasticceria che cucina anche paste e pizze, serve caffè e smoothie e tanto altro. Prezzi buoni e torte ancora meglio. Disponibile il WiFi. Frequentata per lo più da locali, dispone di pochi tavoli all'interno di un ambiente piacevole. Torte 25-40k vnd a fetta, pizze 80-85k vnd.

  • en

    Tiffany Chen


    This coffee shop is so good and so affordable! My boyfriend and I came here 3 nights in a row (after we have bbh and pho we still crave their food). If you ever drop by make sure to try their pizzas! We tried seafood pizza, bacon & salami pizza, pepperoni pizza and chicken pizza and they were ALL fantastic! Also their smoothies and cakes were amazing too. Been traveling around SE Asia for 3 months now and this was the best pizza we had! keep in mind this isn't American pizza so it's gun be different but it's still great! Did I also mention that it's affordable?? The owners are so nice too

Boulangerie la plus proche

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