Bông Sen Hotel Saigon de Hồ Chí Minh

Viêt NamBông Sen Hotel Saigon


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

117 – 123, Đồng Khởi, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 28 3829 1516
site web: bongsenhotel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.7750885, Longitude: 106.7037454

commentaires 5

  • たこ焼みこちゃん



    ドンコイ通りのど真ん中のため、外には声を掛けてくる人多数。 ロビー横のトイレは綺麗です。 周辺で友人がスられそうだったので、周辺を歩く際は注意してください。 また、 靴磨きはしっかり断らないと面倒です。

  • SergeySting



    Хороший отель. Номер просторный. В моем номере было чисто как в номере так и в ванной комнате. Рядом множество всего. Но я был по работе, проездом да ещё и ночью порадовало что неподалёку есть МакДональтс 24/7. Лодочная станция тоже в шаговой доступности. Минут 5 пешком идти если кто то собрался в Вунг Тау.

  • en

    Gravity Hammer


    We had a huge party that took up 4 of their largest rooms since they only allow 2 guests per room, which was very strange especially if you are a family of 4 with 2 small children...you'd have to get 2 rooms! Besides that, they were very stingy with the towels, shampoo, soap, etc. We took one of the towels to another room and they grilled me for 2 days on what I did with the towel. I speak Vietnames pretty fluently but still had to explain that I took it to another room for one of the kids to use. If I were to "acquisition" one of the hotel towels, I sure as hell wouldn't do it on the first day of my 4 day stay!! DUH!! Nice towels, but I doubt anyone wants to steal one. The hotel breakfast was pretty nice, though. Full continental international breakfast selections with a custom cook station where you can order local noodle dishes or whatever was that morning's special. Yes, they can even do made to order omelets, although why would you order something you can get at home, right? I recommend the pastries and Vietnamese specialties. At least you'll know it is made in a cleaner kitchen than the street vendors. Probably would not be going here again simply because they made me feel like I was trying to steal a hand towel. I mean, come on. Really? That's petty.

  • Hisashi Takagaki

    Hisashi Takagaki



  • hung manh

    hung manh



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