Cabin Coffee de Cần Thơ

Viêt NamCabin Coffee



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Hẻm 116A Đường 3-2 (xéo cổng A ĐH Cần Thơ, Xuân Khánh, Ninh Kiều, Cần Thơ, Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 292 6530 199
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.0289602, Longitude: 105.7725243

commentaires 5

  • Luc Doan

    Luc Doan


    Quiet cafe with lots of outdoor patio and some indoor seating. Populated with lots of green plants, bamboo, trees. Furnished with wooden and tile topped tables. An americano cost only a mere 19k vnd. Outlets were plenty for those, like myself who needed to re-charge electronics. Minus 1 star because, although the bathroom was clean, it was out of toilet paper when I needed it.

  • Ngoc-Bich Nguyen

    Ngoc-Bich Nguyen


    Best view in town, greeny with unique modern style. The boss is super friendly and serves best and unique coffee & milktea in town.

  • An Đặng

    An Đặng


    Nice place with nice coffee. They have both indoor and outdoor seating.

  • olowe olumide

    olowe olumide


    It's super cool. A bit pricy for a coffee shop in a small city but the coffee is amazing

  • Le John

    Le John


    Good view garden cafe. Sometimes the internet is slow.

Café la plus proche

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