Cigar Wine Lounge 1973 - HUYENMOBILE - Boveda de Hà Nội

Viêt NamCigar Wine Lounge 1973 - HUYENMOBILE - Boveda



🕗 horaire

36 Ba trieu, Hoan kiem, Tràng Tiền, Hanoi, Hà Nội, Wietnam
contact téléphone: +84 97 373 73 73
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.023952, Longitude: 105.850997

commentaires 5

  • en

    M TA46


    Cigar is not for wine. Whiskey is the best pair for cigars. Yes, This is my preference. BUT! Most of wine and whiskey is sold by bottle. Table and silvers are not clean, napkins are stinky. Staffs are chatting and poor services as you can imagine. All of interior, services, staffs, and atmosphere is not like "Lounge." I'm sure two stars are more than enough.

  • Joe Chang

    Joe Chang


    So bad

  • Trường Giang

    Trường Giang


    Khá ổn

  • en

    nM N


    Good selection just overpriced for what they are selling. Make sure they are fresh and not from the back room where they are not in a humidor.

  • Michael Mosbauer

    Michael Mosbauer


    Nice selection of cigars and wine. Not the best price but not overly expensive either. Staff seems nice.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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