Cong Doan Gia Lai Hotel de Gia Lai

Viêt NamCong Doan Gia Lai Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

9 Hai Ba Trung Street, P.Tây Sơn, Thành phố Pleiku, Gia Lai 600000, Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 90 875 16 37
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 13.9797766, Longitude: 107.9988784

commentaires 2

  • en

    Soul Traveller


    OK for one or two nights, reasonable price, clean room and bed, spacious, good location near old market, modern supermarket, many cheap street foods behind hotel, almost everything is nearby. Highly recommended for budget travellers who don't mind some negative points. The bad things are the room doors have cracks people can peek in. Smoke comes into room due to large sitting area outside the rooms, and there are slots above the room door for what purpose unknown, inside my room can be seen from the floor above, lack of personal privacy.

  • Anthony Hobley

    Anthony Hobley


Lodging la plus proche

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