Deja Vu Restaurant & Bar de Thành phố Phan Thiết

Viêt NamDeja Vu Restaurant & Bar



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21, Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, 084252, Thành phố Phan Thiết, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 252 3741 160
site web:
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Latitude: 10.9417606, Longitude: 108.1911922

commentaires 5

  • en

    Svetlana Furman


    Great Folklore culture show every wed, 20:00. Good for everyone who wants to learn about Vietnamese culture, to try real national food and to enjoy the colorful traditional performances.

  • Huynh The Vu

    Huynh The Vu


    Nice restaurant & bar with outdoor seating and live music performance. Their smoothies are great. Acceptable price.

  • en

    Philip WB


    Great restaurant. Excellent menu and brilliant service!

  • Tom Pham

    Tom Pham


    Excellent place to come eat when you dont know exactly what to order. They have an extensive menu and everything I ordered was very tasty. Service was impeccable. Awesome food

  • en

    John Magnusson


    Good atmosphere and service. The interesting thing about this place is the exotic part of the menu. The serve crocodile, scorpion, snake and much more which is a fun experience. The food is not that expensive and taste really good. I recommend the jungle set which is frog, snake, ostritch, scorpion and crocodile, it was really tasty:)

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