Dntn Ngọc Anh de Thành phố Đà Lạt

Viêt NamDntn Ngọc Anh



🕗 horaire

165, Phan Đình Phùng, Thành phố Đà Lạt, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 263 3836 279
site web: www.hondangocanh.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 11.9462627, Longitude: 108.4347646

commentaires 5

  • en

    DU DUC Nguyen


  • en

    Jodi Grose


    Unpleasant experience. I tried to call through to book our bikes in 6 times and they put down the phone on me every time because I couldn’t speak English. There is a coffee room upstairs and when we went, the coffee pot was empty (self service). I asked a lady behind the desk if it was possible to get any more coffee and she just pointed at the dregs in the pot and looked back to her phone. I then tried to bring her two cups to show her that I needed more than the sip the pot held. She looked up from her phone to roll her eyes and gave me two shot glasses. So we sat down and sipped our 15ml of Roma temperature coffee but thankfully the mechanics are very efficient and our bikes were ready fast so it wasn’t too bad after all. Full stars for the mechanics. Literally none for anyone else.

  • en

    Quan Bao Le


  • Tuấn Nguyễn

    Tuấn Nguyễn


    Chương trình lái xe an toàn của Honda rất hay!

  • le tien

    le tien


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