Hanoi hotel299 de Sơn La

Viêt NamHanoi hotel299


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

228, Trường Chinh, Sơn La, Sơn La, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84
site web: hanoihotel299.vn
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.32162, Longitude: 103.9186719

commentaires 5

  • Duc Lap

    Duc Lap



  • Duong Ngoc Hai

    Duong Ngoc Hai



  • Mike FreeRider Gagne

    Mike FreeRider Gagne


    Good hotel and comfortable room

  • Matt F.

    Matt F.


    Good things: Its a hotel you can stay at in Son La. Secure motorcycle parking. Bedding was clean. Neat views out the back, room had a small balcony. Pleasant staff. The rest: Dirty floors throughout the hotel. It desperately needs paint. Breakfast was the most disgusting we experienced in our month long trip and we have very low expectations for hotel breakfasts. Eggs were cold and greasy. Coffee was cold. Everything was cold and gross. Tablecloth was stained with mildew. There's more I can't remember. At one time, probably when it was new, it was a very nice place. They haven't spent a dime on it since. Overpriced by Vietnamese standards. Avoid.

  • Hoàng Nguyễn

    Hoàng Nguyễn


    Nice room, friendly staff.

Lodging la plus proche

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