Hard Rock Cafe Ho Chi Minh City de Hồ Chí Minh

Viêt NamHard Rock Cafe Ho Chi Minh City



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39, Lê Duẩn, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Wietnam
contact téléphone: +84 28 6291 7595
site web: www.hardrock.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.7813824, Longitude: 106.7005881

commentaires 5




    I had quite a lot of dishes when I was here. Can't remember my favorite but overall it was a good meal. Steak was tender and juicy, mashed potatoes creamy and smooth. I would definitely come back

  • en

    Eduardo Rebellon


    What a joke of restaurant! I ordered a steak, they brought me a charcoal biter taste one, I complained about it, the manager (arrogant) was sitting at the table beside, they brought me another identical one, I didn’t feel like arguing anymore so I said all good, paid and left, never come back!

  • Kym N

    Kym N


    good food, good service, awesome live band at reasonable price. Special thanks to ID Talent Band for fulfilling all of my Linkin Park requests! Will definitely come back this Friday to see ID Talent band last show as it is also my last Friday here in Vietnam. Don’t forget to go upstairs and get yourself some cute hard rock pins. And finally many thanks to the gentleman waiter last night for running after me because I forgot my Earpod at the table. You guys ROCK!!

  • Shyn Marie Ebol

    Shyn Marie Ebol


    I have been here two times only. The first time was really fun because it was pretty jampacked and a lot of the crowd were dancing. The second time not too much. Band plays really nice - some legit rock music and even some modern ones. The singers keep inviting us into the dance floor because we were really into their jam sad that others were not feeling the vibes. Overall show performance of the band and the magician was good. Service is good - staff can speak English. They attend to your needs and they smile often. Food is tasty and delicious which is really fine for me. Drinks are quite pricey so we ended up with beer tower which is worth it the price and much cheap. A lot of available seating due to the fact that there were few bar goers this time.

  • pl

    Robert Kowalski



Bar la plus proche

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