High Rope Course de Lâm Đồng

Viêt NamHigh Rope Course


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Phường 3, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 97 253 63 61
site web: leocay.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 11.9038453, Longitude: 108.4491131

commentaires 5

  • Pham Huynh

    Pham Huynh


    very funny and recommended have to join when trip to Da Lat

  • David Smith

    David Smith


    This is the best ropes course I've ever seen. It has a great skill gradient, it's very creative, it's very long, it's so beautiful in the forest, it's very very fun, the safety mechanisms are fool-proof, and the staff are super friendly.

  • Nguyễn Hiếu

    Nguyễn Hiếu


    Tuyệt vời, trải nghiệm và khám phá được khả năng bản thân!

  • Prashant Kumar

    Prashant Kumar


    I loved to go on high ropes. It was totally fun for 3 hours.

  • Đỗ Đức Toản

    Đỗ Đức Toản


    Amazing place for who want to try some outdoor activitie! Professional instructor, friendly and easygoing! High recommend for everyone!

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