J.a.f.a Restaurant de Hanoi City

Viêt NamJ.a.f.a Restaurant



🕗 horaire

The Clubhouse G2 & G3, Ciputra, Khu đô thị Ciputra, Tay Ho, Hanoi City, Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3758 2400
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0713005, Longitude: 105.8084726

commentaires 5

  • Charlie Mitchell

    Charlie Mitchell


    Love fish and chips and desert there. They have a swimming pool there, great for hot days in Hanoi

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    Gillan Kingstree


    Nice brekkie and a pool, Great with the kids

  • Alper Günay

    Alper Günay


    The food isn't good and expensive. The air conditioner doesn't keep inside of the place cool enough. But it is nice to sit near the pool and have a beer.

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    Alex Fer


    Located inside Ciputra this restaurant have just average food , drinks are belove average and service is not so good and not attentive. Prices are quite high. But location is good and their swimming pool is one of the best in Hanoi, cheap and never crowded. So it's better to come here to swim than to eat.

  • Minh Thang _

    Minh Thang _


    This was a great little find! The food was authentically Western-style and the service was friendly. Prices were definitely Western-style style prices but the chicken burger was great and I will be back again when homesickness strikes with a vengeance.

Restaurant la plus proche

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