Le Grand Spa & Fitness de Hồ Chí Minh

Viêt NamLe Grand Spa & Fitness



🕗 horaire

8, Đồng Khởi, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 28 3827 0309
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.7738668, Longitude: 106.7056285

commentaires 5

  • Ahmed Eid

    Ahmed Eid



  • en

    Bs. Hoàng Nam


    Nice place

  • vi

    Tuấn Nghĩa Bùi


    Hiện đại và hoàn hảo

  • en

    Wing yun Cheung


    Only tried the pool as a guest (~250k d) per person which also entitled you to the gym which I did not use. The pool isn't that big but okay to do a few laps in. The lounges are around some foliage and because its only on the first floor there isn't a city view, but there is good shade if you burn easily. Bathrooms have showers too. I had a relaxing time for the price, there's a bar too although a bit expensive

  • vi

    Dat Vo



SPA la plus proche

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