Lotte Center Hanoi de Hà Nội

Viêt NamLotte Center Hanoi



🕗 horaire

54, Liễu Giai, 117000, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3333 6000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.032168, Longitude: 105.812427

commentaires 5

  • Jose Reyes

    Jose Reyes


    Really fancy place with top of the line brands, the only downside it's difficult to find some one who speak english. The food court it's very good

  • en

    Darron Kwon


    it's very good and beautiful place. It's expensive but recommende to you. because its scenery is very very good.

  • kien pham

    kien pham


    I picked up my wife and kids on Sunday morning here. Parking service was good. My kids seemed to have fun here with the walk on ropes in the children area.

  • Toàn Đỗ

    Toàn Đỗ


    Nice but crowded place. But I like the restaurants very much. Very nice view.

  • en

    lee hansen


    One of the larger shopping centers around. Has Korean influence in style and shops with good prices. Also had a supermarket which has good prices and promotions. If u are driving or taking motorcycle, u can get your parking ticket validated upon check out.

Centres commerciaux la plus proche

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