Mach's Gym de Hồ Chí Minh

Viêt NamMach's Gym



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Huyền Trân Công Chúa, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 28 6275 1196
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.7748642, Longitude: 106.6954935

commentaires 5

  • Tediuki Suzuki

    Tediuki Suzuki


    I've been going to Mach's Gym for five years now . His body building medals are just inside the entrance . Some trophies are on the shelving . It's a good basic gym . The wooden floor needs repairs under the carpet tiles and the equipment is second hand but they have been very slowly improving the gym over the years . The PT staff are lazy however . Weights are left scattered around and you'll often find 300kg of weights on the leg press left by some other moron . Other than that it very convenient if you stay in Bui Thi Xuan St, you can walk through the park, or Ben Than Market area . It's even ok from the dingy Bui Vein St / Pham Ngu Lao area . One thing however for the guys . Viet condoms are 52mm wide or 104mm in circumference. They are just too bloody small ! Bring some from your own country or you can end up with Trichomoniasis! California gym is only set up for women and cardio . I don't know of any other half decent gym now that the one in the Vincom Centre has shut down .

  • en

    Glenn Styles


    Hard to find, a little bit ghetto, and unfriendly staff. But it's well equipped with bars, machines, and plenty of dumbbells. All at the bargain price that won't go towards buying the Virgin or Fitness First CEO another Lamborghini. Recommended if you live/work/stay anywhere nearby.

  • Michelle Viljoen

    Michelle Viljoen


    Small, old gym, with broken floorboards and old machines. Creepy men hanging around. 70k a visit, but 50k at T&V or the youth gym, both of which are much better

  • Christoph Piekert

    Christoph Piekert


    Eintritt: 70.000. Gepflegte Maschinen. Alles nötige ist vorhanden

  • ja




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