Maritime Bank Hồ Gươm de Hà Nội

Viêt NamMaritime Bank Hồ Gươm



🕗 horaire

06, Hàng Trống, 100000, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3926 3969
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0312321, Longitude: 105.8491842

commentaires 4

  • Roman Kavinskyi

    Roman Kavinskyi


    The worst bank ever. The stuff were incompetent. It looked like they didn’t know how to do their job. The documents they requested depended on people, not on the operation. I wanted to send money via Western Union and spend all day there, I brought all the docs they wanted and that still wasn’t enough. At the end of the day they wanted proof they the woman I’m sending money to is my sister. That drove me crazy.

  • Katerina Sosna

    Katerina Sosna


    The service is horrible, the staff doesn’t know their policies. First they ask you to bring curtain documents and then they make something new up. So I was never able to send money home in an urgent situation...

  • まさちょ塾運営事務局




  • Scott Thorpe

    Scott Thorpe


    ATM outside had a security guard sitting near it. 3.3% fee on 2M vnd

ATM la plus proche

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