Maze Bar de Lâm Đồng

Viêt NamMaze Bar


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26 Phan Bội Châu 1, Phan Bội Châu, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84
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Latitude: 11.9445958, Longitude: 108.4376201

commentaires 5

  • Alan De Young

    Alan De Young


    Amazing, cheapest drink was Saigon can 30k(menu said 40) but it was so awesome to explore this maze. If you get to the top you will know you made it because you will see no way that anything is above you, but you might have a hard time finding your way out. This is an incredible tourist attraction. Well worth the price of the drink! Super awesome!

  • Crystal Payne

    Crystal Payne


    Awesome bar, we went back twice. You can get lost, think you've seen our all then find a whole new level you haven't been on. Highly recommend

  • Eleanor Brooks

    Eleanor Brooks


    Definitely pay a visit. Five stars simply because this place is so weird. There is no entrance fee but instead have to order a drink as you go in (which is fair enough). You kind of end up wandering around, slightly bewildered, drink in hand, through all these tunnels, up ladders/stairs/little hollows you can sit in and it just seems to go on forever. Definitely got a little lost. You think it's mad enough and then you realise there is a whole garden area outside too. I wanted another drink but couldn't find the bar again for ages...

  • en

    Guy Sadler


    The most interesting and unique bar I've ever been to. Take your time and stock up on supplies as you may not find the bar again for a while! Was told the rooftop (that has a great view of the city) closes at 9pm so maybe get there early. Highly recommended!

  • Manuel Andrés Gracia

    Manuel Andrés Gracia


    Mejor que la casa loca un puro laberinto y además pagan lo que te tomas no como la casa loca que pagar 50.000 aquí una cerveza te cuesta 40.000 en la casa loca no

Bar la plus proche

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