Minh Toàn Galaxy Hotel de Đà Nẵng

Viêt NamMinh Toàn Galaxy Hotel



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306, 2 Tháng 9, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 236 3662 288
site web: minhtoangalaxyhotel.vn
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 16.044243, Longitude: 108.222737

commentaires 5

  • Małgorzata Cetera

    Małgorzata Cetera


    I was a very nice surprised!!! It is very high quality hotel near by centrum. The coco bus tour is close, the park asia is so close. Everything is so close and hotel's staff are very kind. Recomend it. For sure:-) beautiful window view for a milion lights:-)




    Who doesnt want Pho for breakfast? They have an all you can eat breakfast buffet given that they may or may not meet expectations. I have travelled around the world and have learned to live in the present and make the best of things. Rooms are exeptional with nice city views. Wifi enabled. AC work great especially after a long hot day trip! :) Hotel overall is pleasant. Staff give effort in speaking their non-home language to accomodate high volume guests visiting the area. Language education is also ineffective + complicated here to raise their standards to meet guest expectations. If anyone can assist with it will make this a better place. I particularly like the ‘smart’ elevator system. To get to your room requires you to use your room key to activate the elevator which prevents unauthorized patrons from roaming the hallways adding further layer of security. Can be a little tricky to figure out how it works but is fairly simple to use. Staff are courteous. Its also conveniently located. Will come back again in the future as a guest or on business occasion. Enjoy!

  • Minh Thang _

    Minh Thang _


    if this is in your price range, this is a fantastic hotel. There are bathtubs, if you are tired of just having showers too. The beds are large, the rooms are quiet, clean and immaculate. The staff are also very professional.

  • Richard Mcgready

    Richard Mcgready


    its not for western or bussiness persons. cheap chinese equipment in gym. food not good. staff poorly trained little english. the elevators do not work properly.

  • en



    -Poor English speaking even for front staffs. Had to explain several times. -Check-in is supposed to be 2 pm. But said it's not cleaned yet and had to wait for 10mins more. -We were 3 people and payed for it. But there were only 2 shower gowns so we called and asked for one more gown. He checked one more saying "towel" so I corrected him by saying "no towel. But gown". He said okay. And they sent us "2 towels". - room itself is clean and tidy. Our room even has washing machine.

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