Nguyen Kim Electronic Supermarket de Hà Nội

Viêt NamNguyen Kim Electronic Supermarket



🕗 horaire

10, Tràng Thi, Hà Nội, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3928 7777
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0267969, Longitude: 105.849041

commentaires 5

  • dick cherry

    dick cherry


    You literally have to physically throw yourself in the path of sales staff, waving your arms above your head, to get any attention.I guess it doesn't help if you a foreigner (and therefore hard work)

  • Carmen Rivero

    Carmen Rivero


    No one speak English. But they have a good stock

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    John Powell


    Good appliance retailer...great selection, helpful staff, fair prices

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    Alex Bellany


    staff members are lazy and completely unhelpful. No idea what the hell they are doing. I do speak Viet and I heard them mock me for being disabled. Disgraceful. THEY do have stuff for sale, but so do online stores, without rude staff members with their fingers up their own asses.

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    Bimbonbe Ricette italiane


    good place & quite easy buying stuffs from mobile phones, cameras to vary home appliances. Home delivery & free installation. Pay less some 3-5% by apply a royalty client card. Activate right immediately from the first paid off invoice. Discount on festive days or stockoff.

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