Nha Trang View Restaurant de Thành phố Nha Trang

Viêt NamNha Trang View Restaurant



🕗 horaire

Trần Phú, 650000, Thành phố Nha Trang, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 90 512 06 68
site web: www.nhatrangview.com.vn
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 12.2566073, Longitude: 109.1980666

commentaires 5

  • David Wilson

    David Wilson


    Lovely place. Bonus points to the floppy-haired waiter who ran after us with the change.

  • Shane McGrath

    Shane McGrath


    Great spot. Food was ok but you go here for the view. Literally right on the water.

  • Phuc Doan

    Phuc Doan


    Very nice place with good food and coffee

  • en



    Good price for great view

  • Linh Ha

    Linh Ha


    Price is high but great view

Café la plus proche

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