Pacific Place de Hà Nội

Viêt NamPacific Place


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33, Phan Bội Châu, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0250021, Longitude: 105.8433302

commentaires 5

  • en

    Shuvendu Bose


    Really good. Central location, cooperative staff.

  • Me llamo Jeff

    Me llamo Jeff


    Has Stayed there for a while pretty nice

  • Yung Dang

    Yung Dang


    No matter how good your facilities are, you can never be a luxury product if you have CRAPPY service, customer service agents who are RUDE and IMPOLITE and DISRESPECTFUL to your guests. We paid so much money on a monthly basis to get the CRAPPIEST service ever. Super rude staff at reception desk (woman on duty at 7am), unwilling to help guest when they are in desparate need: when we called reception to help with providing water bottles, she simply said evreyone is out for breakfast (at 8am?) and they will come later, we still wanted to ask when exactly but she hanged up the phone without saying bye or anything. 2) she LIED to her guest, when the management decided to lock the basement door, the management team NEVER informed the residents. Never mind that, we did not mind walking up a bit. The same woman at the reception desk blamed the guest and said it has been locked all the times. (then how, in the past month, did we manage to access the basement? does she not think when she replied or the automatic reaction is to blame someone else first?) She did not even suggest to create an access card for us. For a supposedly 5-star building in the middle of Hanoi, it is expected that Maple Tree Management would provide training to staff or supervision. In this competitive market, most hospitality products are becoming commodities, the only win one another by customer service - which has proven to be TERRIBLE here. I would discourage all my friends and family to experience such crappy, rude, inhospitable, inconsiderate ambiance here.

  • Hao Nguyen

    Hao Nguyen


    Lovely palace! :)

  • Mike D

    Mike D


    Convenient location, very nice pool on too floor with view and seating area. Small gym but has everything needed. Rooms are nice, hallways are outdated.

Lodging la plus proche

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