Resort Villa H2O de Hồ Chí Minh

Viêt NamResort Villa H2O



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1, Đặng Thúc Vịnh, Hóc Môn, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 28 3711 0576
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.9175207, Longitude: 106.6522469

commentaires 5

  • Keesu Nguyễn

    Keesu Nguyễn


    Xa trung tâm nên rất yên bình. Nhưng còn hoang dã.

  • noi thatkimanh

    noi thatkimanh


    Phong cảnh đẹp

  • Oliver Mirkovic

    Oliver Mirkovic


    I have no clue why anyone would give this place more than one star. Yes, it exists, bit I don't know how and why. First of all I will say that I was there during what must have been absolutely low season as my girlfriend and I were the only people there. We spent hours getting there mainly due to Ho chi Minh traffic, which was okay as we were looking for something nice and quiet out of main city for a few days. As we walked to the pool from our rather dodgy room we found out that for some reason the staff was throwing themselves a party here at mid day, maybe to celebrate that we had arrived. But blasting vietnamese techno at concert volume by the pool is not okay in any way. So we left instantly, as we saw no way we would be able to relax in this place. Staff does not speak English, pool isn't clean the three pool chairs they have are broken and made of wood without any kind of pillows for them. But if you like loud vietnamese techno, this is your place.

  • Maria Thúy Tâm

    Maria Thúy Tâm


    Khu nghỉ dưỡng lý tưởng vào cuối tuần. Ở đây khá yên bình và đầy đủ dịch vụ tiện ích cho việc vui chơi, ăn uống.

  • vi

    0971036822 Phân dơi


    Nằm không xa nội ô, Resort Villa H2o được thiết kế khá đẹp. Với các khu vui chơi đầy đủ chức năng và hồ câu rộng rãi. Nơi đây là nơi lý tưởng để đưa gia đình đến nghỉ vào dịp cuối tuần.

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