Royal Thai Embassy de Hà Nội

Viêt NamRoyal Thai Embassy



🕗 horaire

26, Phan Bội Châu, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3823 5092
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0253134, Longitude: 105.8429906

commentaires 5

  • en

    fay wu


    Quick service. Arrived 08:45(shows opening 08:30 on their website), barely anyone and left around 9. Handed in application form, flight tkt to Thailand, bank statement(I didn't ask whether they actually need it though), one 4x6 picture, $40 dollars, and return tkt flying out from Vietnam back home within 2 months(They only asked whether I will be coming back to Vietnam after Thailand. Didn't give me trouble not having the ticket flying out of Thailand). Pick up next day after 3pm.

  • Bojan Simisic

    Bojan Simisic


    Wow, such a smooth procedure, we were first in line, lady that works there is very nice and very helpful. Pickup is the next work day from 3pm to 5pm.

  • Kimberley Fish

    Kimberley Fish


    Very smooth visa process! Entrance is not very obvious, look out for the blue building in the pictures as there is no big "thai embassy" sign. Once inside complete paperwork & ha d over to English speaking staff. I didn't have US$ but they advised me I could exchange in the bank opposite. After 1 day they returned my passport with visa. Great service, Thank you!

  • Alex Osmany Espinoza Salguera

    Alex Osmany Espinoza Salguera


    Nice facility. The attention is really good. We came at 8:45 and at 9:00 we were done. You just need to present the passport, fill out the form (they have forms available on the Thai embassy in Hanoi's Webpage), 1 passport picture and pay 40 USD. The next working day from 3 to 5 you can pick the passport.

  • Hila Malka

    Hila Malka


    Very pleasant and attentive service. Consular officer was very helpful! Process was very short and easy. Visa apply only from 09:00am to 12:00pm.

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