Sand Dune de Bình Thuận

Viêt NamSand Dune


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Mũi Né, Thành phố Phan Thiết, Bình Thuận, Wietnam
contact téléphone: +84
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.9479995, Longitude: 108.2970955

commentaires 5

  • Tim Baker

    Tim Baker


    Bring goggles of some sort and a mask! Wind blows the sand around like crazy and it gets in your eyes and mouth a lot. But it is a lot of fun and you can slide down on sleds for rent at 20-30k

  • Darryl Wong

    Darryl Wong


    Really cool to see sand dunes out of nowhere in this country.However,the rides at the sand dunes are not cheap...for example an AtV ride cost 600000dong for 20 minutes.Thats insanely expensive considering the cost of living in vietnam.With that being said,i recommend just taking a short walk around the sand dunes,take a few pictures and move on.

  • A.R.M.Y BTS

    A.R.M.Y BTS


    Tốt!!Phục Vụ Cũng OK Nhưng Đèn Trong Phòng Ngủ Thì Nêb Có Đèn Sáng Hơn Nhưng Trải Nghiệm Của Tôi Khi Đi Rất Đã Mọi Người Nên Đi Mặc Dù Chỉ 4 ☆☆☆☆ Nhưng Tốt I Like This Hotel

  • vi

    Tai Tran


    Phong sach se +gia hop ly .chi khong co cho ngu cho tai xe ...hoi buon...!

  • Laura Van Den Heede

    Laura Van Den Heede


    Dépaysant et assez bluffant ! Préférez le coucher de soleil qui donne un rouge plus vif aux dunes. En revanche, il y a beaucoup de déchets, c'est vraiment dommage...

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