Surfpoint Vietnam de Bình Thuận

Viêt NamSurfpoint Vietnam



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52, Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Bình Thuận, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 167 342 2136
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 10.946142, Longitude: 108.202221

commentaires 5

  • Zuzanna Marchlewska

    Zuzanna Marchlewska


    The place where I finally got a grip of kite surfing. Great instructions, that I never got before, and which made me finally get on the board and take off no problem. Good, stable wind conditions - so I had a chance to take lessons every day. Really cool international team, made it not only a good school to learn kitsurfing, but also simply the most chill place to hang out around Mui Ne.

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    bart welling


    Kiteboarding school owned by Peter and Christina. I arranged everything through the internet and email (including transport from Saigon) and it all worked out perfectly. The teacher was ready for me when I jumped of the bus and I dropped my backpack at the school and the first lesson on the beach started. Lessons are 50 dollar per hour which is the normal price in the area. Depending on your stamina you can get 2-4 hours of practice, but it totally depends on what you want. It is a nice and hassle free place with a very good vibe. Wiebe (Dutch guy) was my teacher and his positive attitude towards his students will help every student to master kiting. It is fun and when you have the time you should really try it out! It is amazing. Thanks Wiebe and the rest!

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    Ma Ha


    Here I learnt the basics of surfing. My teacher was Daniel, he was gentle and gave me helpful feedback during the whole lesson. I really enjoyed it!

  • Fred Vermeij

    Fred Vermeij


    It all started with me and my girlfriend walking down the beach talking about how awesome it would be to master kiteboarding. Asking ourselves the question: Why not!? So we did! I looked up some schools and send out some messages. Surfpoint reacted quick and we started the next day. My teacher Matt teached me with great enthusiasm and coached me so well (thanks mate!) Besides teaching me we had some good fun as well. The school in general was great, friendly people who made the experience even better. 100% recommending Surfpoint!

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    Alex Smirnyagin


    Its great and popular kitesurfing school. Trainers are skilled, responcible and speaking English, Russian and other languages. Good equipment. It will take 7 hrs to start from 0. Instructor Katya was rated 5 out of 5 by my daughter. Prices are the same as all around. I attached photo with prices for individual and within a group lessons.

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