Tigon Spa de Khánh Hòa

Viêt NamTigon Spa


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🕗 horaire

90b, Hùng Vương, 650000, Thành phố Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 258 3521 617
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 12.2335752, Longitude: 109.196082

commentaires 5

  • TwoHundredMillionIdiots TwoHundredMillionIdiots

    TwoHundredMillionIdiots TwoHundredMillionIdiots


    Probably the world's worst massage place. My girlfriend and I went for a full body massage, and we were taken to the second floor into the massage room. Now. 1) two cameras are recording you the entire time, and you're supposed to feel relaxed and comfy, 2) the girl massaging me didn't stop talking the ENTIRE time, 3) people kept on coming in, walking to the back room and then back out during which time the doors are wide open, and again, you're there almost naked an you're supposed to feel relaxed, 4) the massage itself was really bad, as if the girls didn't know what they were doing at all. I wasn't expecting any sexual stunts, but my girl barely touched me above the knee area. That's not a full body massage. Avoid.

  • en

    K Lee


    No one looks like professional massager. Not satisfied. They didn't concentrate on massage and kept looking somewhere but the price is not that reasonable.

  • vi

    dung nguyen



  • Tín Trung

    Tín Trung


    Tuyệt vời

  • Roman Platonov

    Roman Platonov


    Хороший массаж ног и тела. Неоднократно с женой ходили на массаж ног и спины, головы и шеи. И то и другое очень понравилось. Массаж ног 120 VND, а спины 240 VND. Их сеть по городу, так что смело идите в любой.

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