V Cafe de Lâm Đồng

Viêt NamV Cafe



🕗 horaire

1/1, Bùi Thị Xuân, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 263 3520 215
site web: www.vcafedalatvietnam.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 11.9443632, Longitude: 108.4397498

commentaires 5

  • Andreas Lerch

    Andreas Lerch


    Great atmosphere with jazz playing in the background. The menu has a good variety of food to choose from! The staff are awesome and friendly. It was surprising to be offered a drink and given time to choose from the menu (what I’m use to in Canada) they also brought out the appetizer before the main course. Would come back again!

  • Tabitha Perez

    Tabitha Perez


    Small, cozy restaurant with plenty of different yummy food options (The beef steak is delicious) the staff were sweet, and attentive. The guy that regularly plays music there, Reymond, is a great musician and a joy to listen to. Lovely place to have dinner, drink wine, and enjoy the music

  • cs

    Tomas Rabiencny


    Skvělé místo, výborné jídlo, každý den živá hudba. Restaurace je plná lidi z celého světa, kteří hledají místo s evropskou kuchyní. Na výběr je opravdu vše, od těstovin, přes maďarský guláš, steaky, až po fish and chips a pizzu.

  • zh



    芒果沙拉、炸鱼薯条、牛肉宽面都很好吃;点了一个Ice lemon tea也很爽口。这是价格偏高。结账时说不能刷卡只能用现金,而且账单上没有显示服务费,但收钱的小哥直接从我老公手里拿了钱。2人吃了56万越南盾,确实是来越南以后最贵的一餐,却不是最好吃的一餐。

  • zh

    Qiang Li



Restaurant la plus proche

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