WE Pub - 62A Minh Khai Vinh de Nghệ An

Viêt NamWE Pub - 62A Minh Khai Vinh



🕗 horaire

62, Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Thành phố Vinh, Nghệ An, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 238 8903 999
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 18.6743357, Longitude: 105.6789251

commentaires 5

  • Mai Vĩnh Hoàng

    Mai Vĩnh Hoàng



  • Gui Bee

    Gui Bee


    Probably one of the best place late night place in Vinh. Very good cocktails! Good price on beers and most cocktails. The signature drink is a must have. The barman are really meticulous and they give a good show!

  • Benjamin Schebath

    Benjamin Schebath


    Great cocktails and the staff is simply amazing! You should order the « signature drink », it’s very good and served in a tiki mug. Certainly the best bar in Vinh!

  • Đức Ánh Dương

    Đức Ánh Dương


    Well, I am really keen on this restaurant. Love that because there is a wide variety of dishes.

  • en

    Alfie Feliciano


    The only bar worthwhile in Vinh if you happen to travel through the town. Cheap beer and drinks. Friendly staff.

Bar la plus proche

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