Wild Lotus Hotel de Hà Nội

Viêt NamWild Lotus Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

106, Xuân Diệu, 10000, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
contact téléphone: +84 24 3710 0095
site web: www.hanoiwildlotushotel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 21.0627093, Longitude: 105.8296945

commentaires 5

  • Nam Nhật

    Nam Nhật


    The staff were helpful and friendly

  • en



    unhappy No facilities, Breakfast is pork or chicken noodle soup, steamed wheat cake, steamed rice, toast, juice (only orange ), fruit (only banana ), omelet (a fried broken yoked egg ). Coffee white with sugar or black with sugar, ( we went to shop bought a jar ) wifi is only facility. cleanliness of room poor. beds dirty on arrival good after that. Staff friendly and helpful ( the only good thing about our stay ) being a non meat eater I had banana every day ( for two weeks ) for breakfast as they could not buy anything else

  • Tung Nguyen Huu

    Tung Nguyen Huu


    Kỉ niệm khó quên!

  • Vlad Dor

    Vlad Dor


    Отличный отель для нескольких дней!

  • Der Joggel

    Der Joggel


    Zimmer ohne Fenster sind etwas seltsam. Wenn man aber den ganzen Tag in Hanoi unterwegs ist geht das schon. Personal sehr freundlich und der Preis passt

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