General Consulate of China in HCMC i Hồ Chí Minh

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VietnamGeneral Consulate of China in HCMC



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Hai Bà Trưng, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 28 3829 2459
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Latitude: 10.7849799, Longitude: 106.694879

kommentar 5

  • Sansit Low

    Sansit Low


    For Malaysians, to get a Chinese tourist visa (category L), please prepare: 1. 1 set of visa application form duly filled and singed. 2. 2 copies of 4x6cm passport photos with white background and light colour shirts, without glasses and your forehead must be clearly seen. 3. original passport. 4. 1 photocopy of your passport front page. 5. 1 photocopy of your VN visa with latest immigration entry stamp (if applicable). 6. 1 photocopy of your return flight tickets booking 7. 1 photocopy of your hotel booking. They only accept application on weekdays from 8.30am to 11am. Normally it takes up to 4 working days to approve your visa for non-urgent application. Good luck! p/s: fee for the option of "one entry valid for 3 months from the date of issue" is 30USD. I would recommend you apply for the visa 2 to 4 weeks before your intended departure date.

  • designomotion



    Nightmare to get a visa here. If you're American, better come with photocopies of a) air tickets in and out of China and within, b) documentation of the hotels you'll be staying at for each and every day, c) your Vietnamese visa, d) your last China visa, e) your main passport page, f) passport photo, g) Visa application form, h) probably more. They are open from 8.30AM-11AM and the doors close PROMPTLY. You should come as early as you can, because even arriving at 8.40AM I was unable to get in by 11 on one of the 3 days SO FAR that I have been waiting. On one of the other days I got in before 11 but was rejected for not having hotels and a photocopy of my Vietnamese visa. No joke, you will suffer and wish you never planned a trip to China. You will wait for 3 hours at least, mostly outside in heat, then inside in this Kafka-esque nightmare that feels like the most excruciating sadistic chapter from the works of Marquis de Sade.

  • Ann Adams

    Ann Adams


    The most disgusting experience I have had in a long while. Previous attempts had failed so I arrived ar 2.30 am...and did not get into the consulate. The only way in is to pay bribes. After we waited we were pushed out of the way by people paid to push and grab front spaces for people who arrived many hours after the early arrivals. I was pushed, kicked and punched. By the time I got to the official queue it was too late. The violence and corruption is unacceptable

  • Michał Noworolnik

    Michał Noworolnik


    Terrible experience - applied for visa there 7 times over the years. Yesterday I arrived at 7 am. The queue looked like the one on the picture - about 50 people was already ahead of me. The first people arrived at 5 am. Consulate opened at 08:30. Many people jumping the queue with the help of some shady guys and guards. At 11 am visa section closed - i didn't even get in. And there was still about 10 people ahead of me. Peopel who arrived at 5 am and were one of the first 10 people in line got inside around 10 am. Why? Because many poeple bypass the queue.

  • Lyriel Jordan

    Lyriel Jordan


    Worst experience. I've stood in line for two days now, only to be denied a tourist visa for some BS reason that's not a listed rule. I'll be going back for the third time and hopefully I can get it. Might be easier to mail my passport to the US and have an agency do it there than deal with this mess. If you want to try, here is what you do: 1. get there no later than 6:30 am. If you don't make it into the second line by 8am, you might as well go home because they will close the office before you reach the visa desk. (visa desk operates from 8:30-11am) 2. make sure you have a photocopy of your passport (including cover) and vietnam visa w/ entrance date. 3. I don't believe in bribing, but if you're ok with that it will probably help you get your visa the first time around.

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