Royal Thai Consulate-General In HCM City i Hồ Chí Minh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamRoyal Thai Consulate-General In HCM City



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77, Trần Quốc Thảo, 700000, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 28 3932 7637
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.7815676, Longitude: 106.68759

kommentar 5

  • en

    BernardO G


    Went here twice. Perfect work from the lady staff who is very professional the first time thumb up ! As I am not a big fan of arrogance I wont tell the same of the gentleman. He seemed that day to enjoy very much causing difficulties to me and others in front of the trainee. It made him feel powerful I guess. No "thumb" up here. thinking of another one.

  • 90 Seconds that Matter

    90 Seconds that Matter


    Like many, my experience was similar. They were helpful and courteous staff. As always, I would recommend that you have everything with you when you arrive and have triple checked your list of items needed. They only accept US Dollars for a tourist visa during my visit in April 2018 that is USD 40. I would suggest to save you time, ensure you have the USD 40.00 or whatever it might be for the Visa you are applying for; as well as the USD 25.00 Vietnam Visa needed before you can get passed their immigration. For me, that was a total of USD 65.00. That will save you a lot of time. Good to know: just because you have the certificate that you applied for online, doesn't mean you pass the other visa requirement; which is right before you get to the passport checkout at the airport. Dropped docs off the first day between 0830 - 1130 for me, I stopped by at 0900. Then was told to pick it up the next day afternoon. If you found this review helpful, please let me know with a quick "like"; so I can be aware that the time spent is helping someone along the journey.

  • Tom Jang

    Tom Jang


    Rude wowan with glasses intervene while I was explaining to a nice gentleman about my last visit and the mistake that was made here causing me to return. Someone wrote "follow wife/mother" when all mu documents were for my son. Rude lady with glasses wouldn't give me her name but just said it's private and go look it up on the website (no pictures to compare).

  • Luke Hippely

    Luke Hippely


    Very professional and courteous staff. This is how all consulates should operate! As others have stated: -You MUST bring US Dollars -There is a place to print documents around the corner (exit take a right then another right and look for "photocopy" sign - staff can help direct) -As Nefer pointed out, You can get passport photos located at 148 Lý Chính Thắng, phường 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh. 40,000 dong for 4 pictures (you only need one for application but there’s only the option to buy 4 photos) -We had to provide proof of a ticket INTO and OUT OF the country (plane or bus is fine) -We submitted application in the afternoon and picked up the next afternoon.

  • 平田修士




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