Serene Premier Hotel i Hà Nội

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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VietnamSerene Premier Hotel



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10, Yên Thái, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, VN Vietnam
kontakter telefon: +84 24 3938 2416
internet side:
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Latitude: 21.031994, Longitude: 105.847574

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jill Hoadley


    Had the best stay in april 2018 right in heart of hanoi old quarter and in a quiet side street, staff were super helpful

  • Dongwon Oh

    Dongwon Oh


    Friendly staff, good location and delicious breakfast. Need to be prepared to locate the hotel first time.

  • en

    Nerida Robertson


    Nice hotel in a convenient location. The staff are lovely and included breakfast is very generous On checkout I asked to go to the airport early as I was feeling unwell- They offered to let me stay in the room after checkout so I could rest rather than sit at the airport for two hours before my flight It’s these kind of things that make you really remember a hotel and come back.

  • Eva Wang

    Eva Wang


    Tho its rooms are not spacious, they’re just enough for travelers! The staff was so nice and willing to offer traveling recommendations! It even offers complimentary fruit and red wine!

  • Rebecca Nuffer

    Rebecca Nuffer


    We just checked out of this hotel and I felt the need to review it immediately! We had a very pleasant 2-night stay here. The hotel staff were very friendly and attentive. The room was very clean, quiet, modern, and situated on a cute little alley. Breakfast was great and we were served quickly. I highly recommend staying here if you are visiting the Old Quarter!

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